In a bold new venture, renowned designer Rick Owens showcases a striking collection that marries innovative design with a touch of personal narrative. After crafting unique environments that reflect his aesthetic sensibilities—such as a customized bus for touring land art installations in the California desert and an isolation tank sleeping chamber nestled in his own home—Owens now presents a demountable mountain refuge. This latest project draws inspiration from the iconic lodging designed by Charlotte Perriand, which is owned by his family friend, Hun, in the picturesque French Alps. At the heart of this collection lies a coordinated clothing line that redefines comfort and style. The foundation consists of soft, organic cotton long johns, designed to be layered seamlessly beneath duvet bodysuits. These bodysuits feature a clever zip mechanism, transforming into cozy sleeping cocoons. Ideal for hibernation, these pieces reflect Owens’ vision of modern living, combining practicality with high fashion.